Featured Speaker: Anita Hill

Listen to Anita Hill’s interview with Marianne Schnall during the first Envision Equality round table discussion on December 7, 2021.

If we're sitting in the future, celebrating our success at achieving a truly just and equitable world, what would the world look like and how would it be experienced differently?

It's not only what the world would look like, but it's that we want to think about how our thinking has changed in that world. 

I like to say that my belief is in a radical equality. And I keep coming back to that word in every title because I want us to stretch. I want us to think beyond rights. I want us to think beyond what our chances are, and I want us to measure equality based on our lived experiences, which means that for every aspect in our life, for every location of our lives, we are welcomed and we are valued. 

And that means that we have a say in our education, we have her say in our work, we have a say in how we thrive in our homes, as well as how our communities are governed. 

And so the thing that we call equality is much bigger than even location. It includes how we live, and we all know that in this society we participate as economic actors, as spiritual actors, and as political actors. I would like to see parity on all those fronts because what I say very often is that you can't parse out equality – it's either complete, or it's non-existent. And until every aspect of our lives measure our full value, accept our full value, and welcome us, we will not have achieved the goals that that I think are possible for us. 
And one of the aspects of that achievement, really, is to live in a world that is safe, free from violence, and welcoming. 


Featured Visionary: Kelly Davis